In the crowded world of semi-auto pistols, tons of ink and electrons are given to the latest and greatest from Glock, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Heckler & Koch, and Springfield Armory. Consequently, finding articles, posts, and videos about Walther products requires a deep dive scouring the internet. We can asked all the time: Why buy a Walther PDP pistol?
Why not?
These guys have been around for a while.
Walther’s storied history spans more than a century. Initially founded by Carl Walther in 1886, the company has made firearms in Germany for over 100 years.
Walther pistols have been influential and iconic.
Walther made the first usable German semi-automatic pistol in 1908 and the first double-action/single-action trigger system (Model PP, or Polizeipistole) in 1929. The most common one was later released as the PPK (Polizeipistole Kriminal, literally “police pistol criminal”), a more concealable version of the PP. Later, these cool guns were followed in 1938 by the P38 pistol, a more cost-effective alternative that replaced the venerable P08 Luger. Subsequently, the standard sidearm of the Wehrmacht in World War 2, the P38 got an aluminum frame and morphed into the P1 after the war to become the standard sidearm of the new German army (the Bundeswehr) that was in military service through the 1990’s.
Walther pistols are innovative.
The PP, PPK, and P38 pistols were all double action, at a time that other pistols like the 1911 and Browning Hi-Power were single action. These pistols also pioneered the use of decockers, which later became the latest and greatest in pistol design 60 years later. Beretta’s M9, the sidearm of the U.S. military from 1986 through 2016, copied the P38’s innovative locked breech design and slide-mounted decocker. Walther’s P99 was unique because it essentially combined the DA/SA trigger mode with the striker fired pistol. To this end, the P99 was one of the most innovative pistols of all time. Subsequently, many European militaries and police forces adopted the P99 as their standard sidearm.
Walther keeps up with the times.
In 2011, Walther evolved the P99 with better ergonomics and with a Glock-style trigger into the PPQ. The striker-fired PPQ lacked an external safety and had a simple takedown; thus, it was a true Glock competitor. The PPQ was a great pistol and was at the top of the Walther lineup, giving way to the Personal Defense Pistol (PDP) that came in early 2021 as the new flagship.
So then why doesn’t Walther get more attention? It’s like the Rodney Dangerfield of pistols – it doesn’t get any respect! If that’s the case, then the PDP will be like the movie Caddyshack, which boasted Rodney’s career and turned him into a hot commodity.

Give the Walther PDP a shot (no pun intended)! I guarantee that you’ll never look at the Walther banner the same way. It may become your go-to gun. Awesome features include an extended and ambidextrous slide release lever, Picatinny rail, and a great curvy ergonomic grip. Also, the pistol has interchangeable backstraps and a Tenifer finish on the slide that is resistant to rust and corrosion. If this isn’t enough, polygonal rifling and a light and crisp Performance Duty Trigger improve accuracy. The high undercut at the back of the trigger guard raises your hand position on the frame. This allows you to shoot this gun all day long.
So why buy a Walther PDP? As if these reasons weren’t enough, the slide has deep forward- and rear-raking serrations and is milled for a micro-optic. Think great accuracy, thanks to the polygonal barrel and super ergonomics that allow you to clamp down like a boa constrictor. And did I mention the Performance Duty Trigger, maybe the best trigger for a stock striker-fired handgun? All this allows you to shoot like American Sniper Chris Kyle! See below – even I could do some damage at 50 ft with Fiocchi 124 grain FMJ 9mm ammo.

The PDP is a lot of gun for the money. Expect a pistol at the top of its product class. It may become the standard against which many judge all other pistols. You can buy the Walther PDP pistol and original 18rd factory mags on our website at!